The phrase Middle East and the word peace are really so contradictory that when put together they become an oxymoron. An oxymoron, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is “a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined”. There are very few things in this world which are more contradictory than the words “Middle East peace.”
There would still not be peace in the Middle East even in the event the fundmentalist Islamics were able to destroy every Christian and Jew in the whole world. Islam has several sects, ie: Shia, Sunni, Sufi, Kahrijite, Wahhabi, Nizari (also called “Assassins”) and more. Many sects believe that followers of other sects are non believers because they follow the incorrect sect. The sole thing that keeps them from ruining each other is the old saying, ‘an enemy of my enemy is my friend’. So long as there are Jews and Christians to hate, they will leave each other alone.
Ever since the State Of Israel was acknowledged by the United Nations, the Arab states have been striving to “push Israel into the sea”. Many Arab leaders have openly stated that “they will never be filled until Israel no longer exists”. The Palestinian terrorists that use murder bombers, car bombs and rockets to maim and kill innocent Jewish women and youngsters are openly supported by many Arab leaders. They even consider the killing of Westerners an extra incentive. Since many fundamentalists believe that “unbelievers are enemies of Allah and they’ll roast in hell” and that “the idolators are unclean”, they consider that ‘unbelievers’ and ‘hypocrites’ are less than human and that their lives are worthless. The fundamentalists think that it’s their obligation to punish the unbelievers wherever they find them.
The problem is the fundamentalists are so harsh and so pitiless that a lot of peace seeking Muslims in the Arab world are scared to cross them, fearful that they’re going to be considered ‘friends’ or ‘hypocrites’ and punished appropriately. Therefore, they keep quiet as well as the fundamentalists continue to rule the Arab world. The few Arabs that do attempt to stand up for true peace typically wind up in prison or dead.